Progetti Nazionali
Sono elencati i Progetti Nazionali attivi nel: 2024
Titolo | Committente | Referente |
Accurate surface measurements of different parameters at the InteRface between the atmosphere and ice/snow surface: radiation FLuxes, surface temperatures and precipatiOn at the plateau station Concordia (AIR-FLOC | Cnr | Francesco Montomoli |
Active Resonant Tunable Dielectric Microstructures for Ultrafast Photonics | Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche | Silvia Soria |
Advanced Lung Phantom based on Hierarchical mAterials for multimodal theranostics (ALPHA) | Mur | Fulvio Ratto |
Attività scientifiche per la Missione HERA (HERA) | Asi - Subco Unibo Ciri-aero | Alessandro Rossi |
Biochips for Emerging Micro-Contaminants (BIOEMC) | Mur | Ambra Giannetti |
Bioresorbable Optical Sensors For In-Vivo and In-Situ Monitoring Of Chemotherapeutic Drugs (EVANESENSE) | Mur | Simone Berneschi |
Bronze encounters context: archaeological and physical understanding of pre-Roman bronze statues excavated at San Casciano dei Bagni (Siena) (BECAUSE) | Mur | Daniele Ciofini |
Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti di Matera (CTEMT) | Mise/comune Di Matera | Valentina Colcelli |
CASIA - CAIRT: Analisi e Sinergia con IASI-NG (CASIA) | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana | Piera Raspollini |
Clinical trial data between privatization of knowledge and Open Science (CLIPKOS) | Mur | Valentina Colcelli |
Combined nano-based hyperthermia with targeted chemotherapy: a novel challenge for gastrointestinal malignancies (CHANCE) | Mur | Fulvio Ratto |
Detriti Spaziali e sostenibilità delle attività spaziali a lungo-termine (Detriti Spaziali III) | Asi - Subco Inaf | Alessandro Rossi |
Development of inclusive quantitative photoacoustic imaging solutions enabled by ethical artificial intelligence (ImPACT-AI) | Mur | Lucia Cavigli |
Discovering the SEcret woRld of pOlyseroTONin for green molecular ImprINting and its application in bioanalytics (SEROTONIN) | Mur | Sara Tombelli |
Engineering Functional Metal Nanocluster-Protein Architectures for Bio(sensing and catalytic) applications (PRONANO4BIO) | Mur | Francesco Chiavaioli |
Fiber Optics sensors as a platform for CAncer diagnosis and in vitro modeL testing (FOCAL) | Mur | Francesco Chiavaioli |
Forward and Inverse Tool for FORUM (FIT-FORUM) | Asi - Subco Unibo-difa | Samuele Del Bianco |
From wastes to gold nanoparticles: CHemistRY for Sustainable And Low environmental Impact bio-circular Strategies in cancer therapy (CHRY.S.A.L.I.S.) | Mur | Filippo Micheletti |
High-performance nanolayer-coated fiber-based biosensing platforms with antifouling brushes for detection of postacute COVID-19 syndrome biomarkers in blood plasma (NABABAS) | Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche | Francesco Chiavaioli |
Improved estimation of forest C sequestration from PRISMA retrieval of canopy N and photosynthetic potential (PRISMA-Forest-NC) | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (asi) | Valentina Raimondi |
Joining time domain diffUse optics and surface eNhanced raman scattering technique for advanced breast Cancer detecTION (JUNCTION) | Mur | Daniele Farnesi |
La fonderia romana del Seminario Maggiore di Verona e la produzione bronzistica nella in Italia settentrionale: infrastrutture, tecnologia, reti di diffusione e uso dei manufatti (AES) | Mur | Salvatore Siano |
Limadou-2 fase B2/C/D/E1 (LIMADOU 2) | Asi/infn | Sergio Bruno Ricciarini |
MC-FORUM - Meteo and Climate Exploitation of FORUM (MC-FORUM) | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana | Ugo Cortesi |
Measuring tropospheric water vapour through the Normalized Differential Spectral Attenuation technique (NDSA) | Mur | Ugo Cortesi |
Missione LICIACube – Attività Scientifica (LICIACube) | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana | Alessandro Rossi |
Multifaceted Approach to the Study of Neuropathy-causing mutations of Actin (MAS-NEURACTIN) | Mur | Cristiano D' Andrea |
Partecipazione italiana alla missione CALET di JAXA - Fase E | Asi - Agenzia Spaziale Italiana/dsfta-unisi | Sergio Bruno Ricciarini |
Point-Of-Care electroanalytical platform for the detection of bacteria and antibiotic resistance (POINTOFCARE) | Mur | Sara Tombelli |
potenziAmeNTo dI COmposti antiVirali naturali nelle insalate (Progetti@CNR - ANTI-CoV - IFAC) | Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche | Giovanni Agati |
Probing the Exotic properties of gas and ions filled ICES under extreme conditions: from planetary interiors modelling to hydrogen storage and green Energy applications (E-ICES) | Mur | Leonardo Del Rosso |
PUrple Parchment LEgacy. Art History and Heritage Science for the Study of Manuscript Painting from Late Antiquity to the Modern Age (5th-19th centuries) (PURPLE) | Mur | Marcello Picollo |
STRIVE (FOE 2022) - proximal and remote sensing, analytics and modeling for Precision Agriculture (AGRO-SENSING 2) | Foe | Simonetta Paloscia |
STRIVE (FOE 2022) - Verso la Transizione Energetica | Foe | Leonardo Del Rosso |
STRIVE (FOE2022) - INtegrated mOnitoring of STRategic Infrastructures (INOSTRI) | Foe | Cosimo Trono |
The MIcrobioma-GUt-BRain axis and neurodegeneration. Prebiotic and probiotic treatments to prevent or reduce the Aß deposition in the gut and brain. A pre-clinical study in a mouse animal model of Alzheimer Disease. (MIGUBRAD) | Mur | Francesca Rossi |
Transizione industriale e resilienza delle Società post-Covid19 (TIRS FOE 2020) - AGRO-SENSING: space, aerial, ground sensing and robotics for Precision Agriculture (AGRO SENSING) | Foe | Simonetta Paloscia |
Transizione industriale e resilienza delle Società post-Covid19 (TIRS FOE 2020) - L’Arcipelago Energetico: un modello ecosostenibile di città galleggiante per il Mar Mediterraneo (RINNOVABILI) | Foe | Lorenzo Ulivi |
Trodusquemine as a novel drug against TDP-43-associated proteinopathies: structural, biological and computational investigation (RESISTANCE) | Mur | Martina Banchelli |
Urban Intelligence Science Hub for City Network (UISH) | Agenzia Della Coesione | Valentina Colcelli |
Versatile hybrid in-fiBer Optical-electrocHemical systEMs for wIdely Applicable bioseNsing (BOHEMIAN) | Mur | Cosimo Trono |